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What is A FUND?

A Fund, Inc. is the oldest abortion fund in Kentucky, founded in 1993 to:

  • Provide financial assistance to people seeking abortion and/or contraception

  • Raise public awareness of the psychological effects of unwanted pregnancies on men and women

  • Cooperate with local and national organizations to promote, understand, and facilitate access to abortion and reproductive care

  • Raise donations and grant funding to support the fund's reproductive access work


Since our founding, we have provided financial support to patients who lack the means to obtain needed contraception and abortion. Though abortion currently is illegal in Kentucky, we continue to assist Kentucky and Metro-Louisville clients pay for abortions at clinics in other states and support initiatives to make contraception more accessible.


We welcome your moral and financial support!  Thank you!


Please make your tax deductible donation to
A Fund, Inc.
PO Box 221286
Louisville KY 40252-1286


OR you can donate securely by clicking the Donate button.

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