2024 Report to Donors
Dear A Fund Donor,
Abortion access is under attack at the federal and state levels. Since the 2022 Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, we are operating in a new legal and medical environment. Rest assured that A Fund has developed new strategies for the post-Roe world.
In fiscal year 2023-2024, A Fund pivoted to identify and provide new ways to assist women seeking abortion. Since Kentuckians who need abortions now must travel out of state, our primary focus is funding out-of-state procedures, and we also assist with gas and travel expenses. While Kentucky patients are our priority, A Fund has expanded its support of clinic abortions to include patients from surrounding states because of the need in the broader region.
A Fund has expanded its services. We continue to work with a local clinic to provide long-acting contraceptives to low income patients. Along with allied organizations, we supported a social-media campaign that informs Kentuckians about reproductive options like abortion pills. We fund full spectrum doula services to assist low income women in Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. We have developed a new program partnering with Appalshop to purchase and distribute the over-the-counter birth control pill, Opill, to women in eastern Kentucky. We also work with organizations and businesses to distribute free emergency contraception, like Plan B and Julie.
A Fund, Inc. By the Numbers (FY July 2023 - June 2024):
3,434 Abortion patients served
$380,170 Total contributions
$139,121 Total disbursed to clinics
$59,585 Full spectrum doula
$19,800 Social media campaign
$14,260 Other expenses (5.8%)
In addition to your generous contributions, grants from the National Network of Abortion Funds, Give for Good Louisville and Kroger allow us to expand access to abortion care.
Your continued support makes a real impact in the lives of Kentucky women. Scan this QR code to access our PayPal link, or send your donation directly to A Fund using the enclosed envelope.
As you plan your giving this year, please remember A Fund on Louisville’s Give for Good Day, Thursday, September 18, 2025. This year, a major donor has offered to match contributions up to $10,000, which means your donation will double its impact. If you want to learn more about A Fund’s Give for Good program this year, please contact us at kyafund@gmail.com.
Thank you for your ongoing support!

Barbara Berman, President, A Fund, Inc.
Sydney McClure, Vice-President; Deborah Finkel, Treasurer; Ann T. Allen, Secretary
Board Members: Kate Cunningham, Wayne A. Gnatuk, Ellen Kass, Laura McCrea, Marge FitzGerald
Please make your tax deductible donation to
A Fund, Inc.
PO Box 221286
Louisville KY 40252-1286
OR you can donate securely
by clicking the Donate button.
Remember A Fund with a gift. Last year, A Fund received over $27,000 from Give for Good Louisville!

*A Fund, Inc. is a 501c3 organization; donations are tax deductible as allowed by IRS regulations.
Donations may be made by check or by selecting any donate button found on this site.